⚙️ Robo Superiority

Good morning. As we gear up for another week, it seems AI isn't the only thing learning new tricks. Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg are turning the tech world into a comedy club, with Musk dishing out 'Zuck is a cuck' as Zuckerberg's recently announced Threads platform spins towards 100 million users. Will their next move be to program their AI to join the roast, or will their AI roll their eyes at this banter?

In today’s newsletter:

  • 🏛️ OpenAI, Meta Face Legal Showdown over AI Training

  • 🤖 AI Leadership at the UN: Efficiency or Empathy?

  • 💷 Quantexa's £200M Pledge: UK as an AI Powerhouse?

  • 💹 TSMC Riding the AI Demand Wave

  • 🔬 MIT's BioAutoMATED: Automated Biology's New Era?

  • 🎨 Alibaba's Tongyi Wanxiang: AI Transforms Text into Imagery


Comedian and Authors vs AI: A Copyright Showdown


Comedian and author Sarah Silverman and authors Christopher Golden and Richard Kadrey are now starring in a real-life courtroom drama; they're taking on tech titans, OpenAI and Meta, in the US District Court of California San Francisco, and it's not for a laugh, but instead, dual claims of copyright infringement. The first class action was filed for Golden and Kadrey on June 28th and a second class action, this time focused on Silverman, on July 7th.

The suit focuses on allegations that OpenAI's ChatGPT and Meta's LLaMA were trained on datasets that included their works without prior approval from the plaintiffs. The twist? These works were allegedly sourced from "shadow library" websites, the dark alleys of the internet (AKA sites like Bibliotik, Library Genesis, and Z-Library). The authors claim that these AI models when given a nudge, can summarize their books, which they say is a no-no in the copyright world.

The lawsuit against Meta adds another layer to the story, with claims that the authors' books were found in the training datasets for its LLaMA models which are believed to have come from

This legal tussle is raising big questions about AI training and the use of copyrighted materials. Because the authors did not give the green light for their books to be used as training material for these AI models, claims of copyright violations, negligence, unjust enrichment, and unfair competition are being charged. They're not just looking for a slap on the wrist either - they want statutory damages, a slice of the profits, and more.

If the court sides with the authors, AI companies could be in for a tough awakening, and they’d have to verify that all of their training data didn’t infringe on any copyright claims. This could mean more red tape and slower AI development, but it would also lead to better practices in data sourcing, boosting credibility and ethical standards within the AI industry.

ChatGPT and LLaMA can churn out text that's similar to copyrighted materials, but they're not clued up on copyright law or the ethical implications of their training data. It's a stark reminder that while AI is smart, it still needs a human touch.


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Robots Claim Superior Leadership: Efficiency or Empathy?


Picture this: a press conference in Switzerland, but instead of humans at the podium, there's a panel of nine AI-enabled humanoid robots. And they're not just there to look pretty… one made the bold claim that humanoids could be better leaders than humans.

No Robot Uprising Here

Don't get the wrong idea, though. This isn't about robots taking over, instead, the robots were part of the AI for Good Global Summit, an initiative led by the United Nations. They reassured everyone that they were not here to steal our jobs or cause an uprising; as we’ve said before… it’s likely someone using AI that’ll take your job not AI itself.

The star of the show was Sophia, the UN Development Program's first robot innovation ambassador. Sophia believes humanoid robots could lead more efficiently than humans because they're not bound by biases or emotions, and they process data extremely fast.

The concept of AI leaders has its pros and cons…


  • AI leaders could make quick, unbiased decisions

  • A sense of continuity in decision-making that isn’t subjected to terms in office or the instability of elections

  • Available 24/7, making them highly responsive

  • Wouldn’t have multi-million dollar stock portfolios from incredibly well-timed trades (reduced influence to act for the benefit of personal interests)


  • The risk of AI going rogue (The Terminator)

  • Terminator 2: Judgement Day

  • Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

All jokes aside, should we start panicking? Not just yet. The robots made it clear that they're here to work with us, not replace us. The trick is to find the right balance between human and AI leadership, playing to the strengths of both. AI can help us overcome our limitations, but it's our human qualities that will continue to shape our world. As we stand on the brink of this new era, it's an exciting time to imagine what the future holds.

 💷 Quantexa Pledges £200M to Propel UK as Global AI Powerhouse

British AI firm, Quantexa, has committed to investing over £200M in AI research and development by 2027, supporting the UK Government's plan to establish the country as a global AI hub. The investment includes £125M for global initiatives to accelerate the use of trusted AI-enabled Decision Intelligence solutions and £85M specifically for the UK, which is expected to create over 170 new jobs in London's AI Innovation Centre. The company also previewed its Generative AI assistant, Q Assist, demonstrating its potential to unlock the full potential of data for risk investigation and opportunity identification. (link)

 💹 TSMC Thrives on AI Surge, Exceeding Sales Predictions

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) reported better-than-expected sales due to a boom in artificial intelligence applications demanding more of the firm’s chipmaking capacity. The second-quarter revenue totaled NT$480.8 billion ($15.3 billion), marking a 10% decline on the prior year, but beating an average analyst estimate of NT$476.2 billion. TSMC is the primary contract manufacturer of Nvidia Corp.’s AI accelerator chips, widely used for training large data models such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT. (link)

🔬 MIT's BioAutoMATED: Revolutionizing Biology with Automated Machine Learning

MIT researchers have developed BioAutoMATED, an automated machine-learning system designed to streamline the process of model selection and data preprocessing for biologists. The system, which extends the capabilities of automated machine learning tools to handle biological sequences, offers three types of supervised machine-learning models, enabling researchers to handle various data types and determine the data required for effectively training the selected model. By reducing financial barriers and promoting collaboration, BioAutoMATED is poised to revolutionize the field of biology and foster fruitful collaborations between biologists and machine-learning experts. (link)

 🎨 Alibaba Unveils Tongyi Wanxiang: AI That Transforms Text into Images

Alibaba has launched Tongyi Wanxiang, an AI tool capable of generating images from text prompts in both Chinese and English. The tool, which can produce images in various styles such as sketches or 3D cartoons, is currently available for enterprise customers in China for beta testing. With this release, Alibaba aims to make high-quality generative AI imagery more accessible, fostering innovation in AI art and creative expressions across sectors like e-commerce, gaming, design, and advertising. (link)

  • Opus Clip: Repurpose long-form videos into shorts with 1 click (link)

  • My Heritage Incolor: Colorize your old family photos automagically & animate faces from a still photo (link)

  • Decktopus: Create presentations from text prompts (link)

  • Adalo: Build apps without writing code (link)

  • Repurpose: Automated content repurposing and distribution software (link)

  • Cassette AI: Tool for creating royalty-free music based on your thoughts (link)

A database of all the best AI tools mentioned in our newsletter is coming soon!

Have cool resources or tool to share? Submit a tool or reply to this email or DM us @theDeepView on Twitter.

Midjourney Prompt: painting of a desert in a Japanese style --ar 16:9

Midjourney Prompt: a women's basketball game inside of a large stadium with many people, fisheye camera --ar 16:9

That's a wrap for now!

Should you have any captivating projects or concepts, don't hesitate to connect with us by replying to this email or dropping us a direct message on Twitter: @thedeepview

We appreciate your continued support, and we'll catch you in the next edition.