⚙️ The Tech Cold War Escalates?

Good morning. In the world of AI and tech, there's always something interesting surfacing, much like a submarine...unless, of course, it's the Titan submersible, which seems to have taken the phrase "diving deep into research" a bit too literally! Buckle up for today's round of updates, where we explore some unfortunate deep-sea misadventures and the latest monumental advancements in AI.

In today’s newsletter:

  • 🔒 U.S. AI Chip Clampdown: The Tech Cold War Escalates?

  • 🤖 Inflection AI's $1.3B Quest: Your Personal AI Sidekick?

  • 📝 OpenAI Sued Over Copyright Controversy

  • ✒️ Typeface's $100M Windfall: AI-Powered Brand Storytelling

  • 🎥 Runway's $141M Haul: Revolutionizing Content with Generative AI

  • 💡 Meituan's $234M Buyout: Lighting the Way in China's AI Scene


U.S. Tightens AI Chip Rules: A New Twist in the Tech Cold War?


Big news from the U.S. - officials are considering tightening export control rules for AI chips heading to China. The plan is to limit the computing power of these chips, a move that could shake things up for tech giants like Nvidia, a major player in the AI chip market. This potential policy shift builds on rules introduced by the Biden administration last year, which aimed to put the brakes on China's semiconductor industry while boosting U.S. investments in the sector.

This situation highlights the ongoing tension between the U.S. and China, especially in the tech sector. The proposed restrictions on AI chip exports to China underline the strategic importance both nations place on AI and related technologies. It's a clear sign of the escalating tech cold war, where being top dog in AI and semiconductors is seen as key to national security and economic dominance.

These potential export rules shine a light on the contrasting views of the U.S. and China on AI and related technologies. The U.S. sees these technologies as a way to keep its technological edge and protect national security. And China views access to these technologies as a crucial step in its mission to become a global superpower.

This could spark innovation as each nation tries to outdo the other, something we’ve seen for many years now. But it could also put a damper on global technological cooperation, potentially slowing down worldwide technological progress, which many argue is something that needs to be done - just think back to the petition signed by 10s of thousands of people to pause AI progress. Plus, as Nvidia's CFO, Colette Kress, pointed out, these restrictions could result in a "permanent loss of opportunities for U.S. industry to compete and lead in one of the world’s largest markets." The implications of this move go beyond geopolitics and into economics, highlighting the touchy relationship between the U.S. and China.


Inflection AI's $1.3B Gamble: A Personal AI Assistant for All?


Inflection AI has set its sights on creating a "personal AI for everyone," and just bagged a whopping $1.3 billion in funding from the likes of Microsoft, Reid Hoffman, Bill Gates, Eric Schmidt, and Nvidia. This cash injection, which takes the company's total funding to $1.525 billion, will power the development of Inflection's first product, an AI-powered assistant named Pi.

The size of the funding mirrors the scale of Inflection's goals. They're not just whipping up another AI assistant; they're building one of the world's largest AI training clusters. This monster will include 22,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs, a project that needs a hefty financial investment, not to mention the human expertise, energy, and time needed to train such a large-scale AI model.

In a funny twist, Nvidia finds itself in an interesting spot. As an investor in Inflection AI, it's also the provider of the GPUs that are the backbone of the company's ambitious project. It's like a bakery sponsoring a cake-eating contest and supplying the cakes - a situation that's laughably lucrative.

The question of profitability for such big raises is a high-stakes game of risk and reward. The success of Inflection's business model rests on if Pi can deliver a truly personalized AI experience that beats its rivals. The road to get there is truly littered with obstacles. The AI market is packed, and standing out requires more than just advanced technology; it also requires a user-friendly design, strong privacy protections, and the ability to fit seamlessly into users' lives. If Pi doesn't hit the mark in any of these areas, the massive investment it’s raised would be flushed to 0. As we stand on the edge of this new venture, only time will tell if Inflection's bold gamble will pay off big time or flop.


📝 OpenAI Faces Lawsuit Over Alleged Copyright Violations

OpenAI is facing a proposed class action lawsuit filed by two U.S. authors who claim that the company used their works without permission to train its AI chatbot, ChatGPT. The lawsuit alleges that OpenAI violated the authors' copyrights by using their books to train the AI system, which can generate human-like text based on the input it receives. This case could set a precedent for how AI companies use copyrighted works for training purposes. (link)

✒️ Typeface's Generative AI Attracts $100M, Hits $1B Valuation

Typeface, a startup utilizing generative AI to deliver personalized content for brands, has raised $100 million in a Series B round, bringing its valuation to $1 billion. The funding will be used to expand the platform and grow the company's team. The Typeface platform consists of a content hub for users to upload assets, a feature called Blend that uses AI to train and personalize content, and Flow, which provides templates and workflows designed to integrate into existing apps and systems. (link)

🎥 Runway Raises $141M, Pioneering Generative AI for Creatives

Runway, a startup developing generative AI tools for multimedia content creators, has raised $141 million in a Series C extension round. The new capital will be used to scale the company's in-house research efforts and expand its team. Runway's flagship product, Gen-2, is an AI model that generates videos from text prompts or an existing image. (link)

💡 Meituan Acquires AI Startup Light Years Beyond for $234M

Meituan, a Chinese tech giant, has announced the full acquisition of Light Years Beyond, an AI startup aiming to become the "OpenAI for China", for $233.7 million in cash, also taking on the startup's $50.66 million debt. The acquisition comes shortly after the resignation of Meituan's co-founder, Wang Huiwen, due to health reasons. The deal will help Meituan obtain AI technology and talent, and the funds raised will be used to expand the company's team and research efforts. (link)


  • Fireflies.ai: Fireflies.ai is an AI-powered tool that helps teams record, transcribe, search, and analyze voice conversations from meetings (link)

  • Movie Deep Search: Find any movie by just describing it (link)

  • Browse AI: Browse AI is a platform that allows users to easily extract and monitor data from any website. (link)

Our database of all the best AI tools mentioned in our newsletter:

Have cool resources or tool to share? Submit a tool or reach us by replying to this email.


Prompt: horseman of the Apocalypse - War, depicting War in vivid detail, his face reflecting a fiery rage, the setting is a thriving landscape being dramatically transformed by the onslaught of war, the lighting is intensely cinematic, creating a sense of high drama, the style is distinctly apocalypsecore, it's to be created as if it's a character portrait shot by Annie Leibovitz and retouched by Pratik Naik, --aspect 16:9 --chaos 50 --q 2 --stop 100 --v 5.2 --s 750

Prompt: Freeze the vibrant and exotic face of a toucan, focusing on the colorful beak and the curiosity in its eyes, vibrant color, best shot, photografer winning award, strong detailed, ultra HD 8K edit by photoshop --v 5.2 --ar 16:9 --no noise, colorful, watermark, text, cropped, human, people, blur, vector --q 2 --s 750

That's a wrap for now!

Should you have any captivating projects or concepts, don't hesitate to connect with us by replying to this email or dropping us a direct message on Twitter: @thedeepview

We appreciate your continued support, and we'll catch you in the next edition.